Monday, May 16, 2011

TWINS???!!! REALLY????!!!???

Dear Babies G, 

Yes you read that right! We will be the proud parents of beautiful babies. I am hoping that we can have one of each. Two for the price of one. It is truly more important to have two very healthy babies. 

I had nightmares all night last night that they were going to call us and tell us that we were no longer pregnant, I tossed and turned all night and woke up looking at the phone just waiting. to see a missed call saying its over. 

Well we got the call that we have a healthy positive pregnancy. The numbers should normally be 100 ours are 350! Twins? I asked and she said yes! more then 99.9 percent. Oh baby! We have a second blood draw on Wednesday to see how high the levels are then. We are 6 weeks along today and we have a December 23rd due date!!!! Its a guess with twins but that is my best friend and sister Erin and her husband Carl's anniversary!  So that would be a good day and our first day at home could be Christmas? Wow! Now I am thinking they need Christmas-ie middle names? Holly, Noel, Carol, Chris??

Well I am so very thankful that I can get the chance to have both my babies made it!  It means that on their birthdays they get to watch them spark into this world. Not to many babies have that! 



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