Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cry it out???

Cry it out
More like Mommy sitting in the living room crying it out! 

No mom wants to make her child do this, we always hope that the day comes where we no longer have to comfort them to sleep and they just simply understand, 
it's time to go to dreamland.
Where a little magic fairy dust is sprinkled, and they would go to sleep.
Well, last night we had to make that unfortunate journey.  
The whole situation in itself is so hard.  
The twins generally sleep from 7pm-6am.  
(Brock gets up 1 or 2 times a week in the middle of the night....)
 I suppose last night they thought that the time from 
7:40pm-1:45 am was a cat nap.  
Because at 1:45am they both thought it was time to get up for the day.
 (well Francis went back to sleep quite easily. He has been doing the self sooth for a while now. He does pretty well) 
At first I was mad because I thought it must have been daddy's alarm clock..
Daddy, went and tried so hard to get Brock back to sleep. 
Trying to give him a bottle to sooth him.....Nope Brock wasn't hungry, no he didn't want help getting back to sleep, he just wanted to be up!! After several failed attempts to comfort & pat him to sleep, Even resorting to simply sitting in the rocker humming for 45 minutes to see if it would help get him back to sleep..
I felt like a failure!
We are coming up on 16 months old doctor  "A" has even told us for months that at this point they shouldn't be needing a night time bottle and if they wake up it's more often then not because they are unable to get back down into the deep sleep. 
 I figured this was pretty accurate after reading the 100's of sleep training books and getting all the tried and true age old advice .  
  So when 4am rolled around and he was still whining-not crying- and not sleeping.  I was tired, upset, and at a loss.  SO, I tried it.  I closed the door went back to bed and turned down the baby monitor to where it was a dull background noise.
First off, they did not like me leaving the room!  
Within moments it was screams of almost terror coming from the other room!  Oh boy did I feel horrible, I laying in bed fighting myself to go in there 
and tell them I'm sorry and let them know I'm right there.  

I didn't, I stood my ground and just lay there, listening to their cries for their mommy.  Here is the ironic part, I couldn't SLEEP!!!
Not hearing them in the other room insisting they needed me when I knew they were OK.  So, we all cried a little bit.OKAY OKAY I cried ALOT A BIT!!!!
  Sad, I know...what can I say I feel vulnerable now that I'm a mommy.  
It's a whole new world where I feel like 
I'm making small mistakes every step of the way 

Anyway, back on track.  4:50am came on the clock.  The cries had begun to die down to simply one of the Little's, Eventually, it was all quiet.  I waited 10 minutes before I ventured into the lion pit hoping they weren't doing their "Ill pretend I'm asleep then start talking again soon as they are all settled in".  They weren't, both were snuggled up to their stufftys and                                            It was a success, 50 minutes of cries and they were done and 
ready to sleep again.  
I felt relief, it worked, 
although it was longer than I had ever wished to have to listen to them cry.  
I know many parents choose not to do this method, I am generally one of those.  Something inside of me just goes off and makes you anxious the entire time they cry, making you feel like you have to do something NOW!   While there are others who have told us 
"Oh let them cry all night if they have to".  That I could never do.

To be honest I hope to never have to do that again, call me a pushover,  but I just cannot handle hearing them so upset.  30 minutes has always been a limit for me and them crying.  
Today I will work on them at the nap time. 
Then tonight Daddy and I will work on it together. 
I think MeeMa and I need to go to the Alderbrook Resort and spa 
while Daddy and Pop do a few nights of crying it out.......
I've become a true softy with the arrival of my children.
They have me wrapped around their little fingers.
At the end of the night it worked and seemingly with no damage since they both squealed with joy when they saw me this morning.
Dads are too good at sleeping through the crying!!
Hell they are good at sleeping through almost anything... :) 


Alana Terry said... 1

Hope everyone learns soon to sleep better. Good luck and hope YOU get some rest soon too! Alana (

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