Saturday, January 5, 2013

A slow but rewarding road.

Let me catch you up alittle bit.

If you have read my blog from the start you know that my twins were born very early. Both have small problems because of it, but Brock is the one that got the blunt of it. From the start B has had a long road.  Being still born and actually passing away in the ambulance ride from Harrison Hospital to Tacoma General.

You know that little B was born at almost 28 weeks resulting in hemiparesis cerebral palsy on the right side. He was diagnosed at 4 months old. It was a push from me to find out what was truly wrong with my baby. In all the many tiny things that were wrong and being seen while we were in the NICU and the ICN, they never could pin point the main problem.

Before they let us leave with him from the ICN he had to pass a few milestones and have a few things done to him. One was he had to have three blood transfusions the week he left.
As his mama this was scary to just sit and watch. He wimpered a little when they started and cried a little during the times that he was hooked up. He was and always has been such a trooper.  I read to him and sang to him and prayed over him, and many times had to step out so I could cry. I have to say that I still do those things when he has to get anything done that is out of the normal. Heck I can't sit in the room while he or his brother get shots. It kills me. He mostly just sat there and slept.  

We had B home for a week when he turned blue and started having Sezures. My entire life I have been around them. My mom has epilepsy, she has grand mal seizures. This was nothing like that but my heart has never fallen in my chest before like this. He just rolled his eyes to the back of his head and turned blue.  We called 911, telling them that I wouldn't go to the hospital that was closer. I stood my ground and made them take me back to Tacoma General.
Here he is during our week and a half stay at Marybridge Hospital.
This is him as he was getting his first of many EEG's.
Such a scary time for us as a family.
It is never fun to be in the part of your life when you know nothing.
He never even Cried once. He just layed there and slept.
When we left the hospital he still had to sleep on the sling but didn't have to sleep with oxygen anymore!!
 This was a big moment for Brock. (and us)

B is now 14 months old and we  have been doing some sort of therapy three times a week for almost a year. Plus I work with him during his playtime when he is at home. We work on fine and gross motor skills, sensory, On Wednesdays we go to physical therapy at Mary Bridge I truly believe that because of our "Dream team" we have at Mary Bridge and Tacoma General, B is doing much better then any of us thought he would be. They had said they didn't think he would roll and now he is walking. He started to walk alone a few days before Thanksgiving!!
I do have to say that I am so thankful to God. He gave me twins. Francis loves his brother more then anything. They are adoreable together and F leads B to goals none of us even knew that they have been working towards together.  B follows most everything he does. Almost a month or two behind him but he always catches up. I feel so blessed and lucky to have the two of them to call me Mama.


Alexis AKA MOM said... 1

Ahhh Way to go Brock you are rocking it! Love that Frances helps his brother! You have a great team my dear!

Alana Terry said... 2

Hi, I found you through Love that Max. I'm trying to compile a list of special-needs blogs so that people can find them easily. Would you consider adding your blog to Hopefully it can help get you more traffic as well. Thanks!

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