Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Christmas time Bucket List for our family...

I have a big list for my holiday bucket list. I will post pictures of each event that we go to. Being a new Mommy with the boys and not being able to do anything at all last holiday season. It makes doing things this holiday season and the start of wonderful Traditons for our family. Here are a few that you might want to check out.....

1) zoolights at the Tacoma Zoo.

2) We love the proctor farmers market and we can support local people in business.

3)Fantasy Lights Drive & Walk. A great two mile ride/walk with amazing lights.

4) Polar Plaza. Holiday Ice Skating. ( I will not be skating but I will go and watch.)

5) Meet the Raindeer at

6) WildLights Winter Light Festival. A new holiday must do for the area! The lights are amazing.

7) Winter fest at Seattle Center.  A beautiful must do in down town Seattle.

8) The Snow Train.  I think this would be amazing to take the boys to! ( Really it is a dream for me to do. I have wanted to do this for years!!) Santa baby please? Maybe?

9) Santa Breakfast and Mini Nutcraker.  I know that the boys would be a little to young this year but, this is one of the events that you can't not do in your childs childhood.

10) Christmas at Fort Steilacoom.  Reenactors will present a period candle-light Christmas & Shopping.

11) Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at our Chruch. Champions Center of Tacoma. I can not wait for this and it makes me consider not going to be with the family to be with the Lord.

12) Scrooge the musical at Champions Center.  This will be a wonderful production. A perfect date night for me and the hubs.

13) Holiday events Down Town Poulsbo is the perfect place to go and shop and really feel the season.  

14) Also if you are in the area cross the Agate pass bridge and explore down town Jingle Mingle on Bainbridge it is a great place to go in the country where you feel like you can still see the Seattle skyline lights dance and sparkle.


Alexis AKA MOM said... 1

Oh how I wish living on Bainbridge Island.

Great list of so many fun things!

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